"Happines is a conscious choice, not an automatic response."-Mildred Barthel
Happiness is definitely a conscious choice. Today I have had to choose to be happy when I really felt like being sad. I found out that to get into the Doctoral program at school, it is going to be very tough. They will only accept 10-12 students a year and the ones that are chosen have to pass a series of tests and interviews and have extensive referral letters. Now, I don't think of myself as dumb, but I don't think of myself as extremely smart either. My GPA is 3.60, I feel I can get the referral letters, but to make more than an 1100 on the GRE seems impossible at this point. Also, when I think about 10 people being chosen out of 500-600 applicants, I don't feel my chances are good at all. But, I am choosing to not give up, and to not let it get me down. I am going to continue working hard and to start looking at other schools programs. Most of them seem to have about the same requirements for their Doctoral program, but maybe if I apply at several Universities, it will increase my odds of being selected. So, my point is this-Choose to be HAPPY-and stick to it, after all, Happy is a state of mind and we have control over what we choose! And, just maybe if we hold on to our dreams, we will find the rainbow we have been searching for! Never Never stop looking!